Are you getting prepared to build a new home or commercial building? This process can be quite exciting & easy to get right into without the consideration of detailed planning. Not preparing for a build properly is risky, however. This is because an excavation must be done beforehand to guarantee a solid, strong foundation for your new build. In addition to this point, having the right excavation services implemented will also prevent possible damages such as weather disturbances like flooding.
If you ever wondered exactly what a team of excavators do before construction, we here at Mondo EX would like to help paint that picture.
What is an Excavation?
An excavation is essentially the process of moving materials like dirt, rock and other materials using different types of tools, equipment or explosives. There are a number of reasons as to why someone would implement an excavation, some of them including trenching, wall shafts and tunneling. In most cases, however, an excavation is commonly used to lay down a solid, even foundation for builders to grade land and create a stable build.
Why is it Important?
When land is excavated in the right way, the area will be able to not just support your build, but also withstand all of the stress from your structure. Usually when people think of an excavation, they think of large, heavy equipment. This isn’t always utilized, however, and every tool or piece of equipment will depend on the type of project, how big or small it is, etc.
There are a few things that need to be looked into before starting an excavation. These things are a soil stability test, a water table assessment and a soil moisture inspection. The backfill quality will even need to be inspected to ensure that an excavation can go off without a hitch. When it comes down to it, only a pro will know exactly what needs to be completed in order for the project to work in the most quality way possible.
Different Types of Excavation
Depending on your project’s needs, different excavation processes will need to be implemented. A few of these excavation types include:
- Site Clearing: This is commonly known as the first step in any construction job. Site clearing essentially involves clearing an area of any rock, earth and boulders. This includes other more obstructive things such as trees, plants, etc.
- Site Preparation: Certain excavation tools are implemented in this process to dig out and prep a piece of land. This project is completed to ensure proper drainage and soil prep before the larger part of the process begins.
- Drainage/Trenching: When an area has drainage pipes, trenches will need to be dug. This is an extremely crucial step as sewer drainage pipes are important.
- Driveway Excavation: This project involves removal of boulders, shrubs and trees to create an even, perfectly levelled driveway.
Work With a Professional Company Today
When you’re looking to work with the right people for your next excavation project, big or small, we here at Mondo EX have got your back. For years, our hard working team has implemented all the right services into our clients needs so they can go about their construction projects with confidence and ease. To learn more about our excavation services in Toronto, be sure to contact us at (647) 619-6373 today!